Phillips Hardware Tips: Waterproofing

Finish getting the inside of the house ready before go you outside for the spring!
Want to spruce up your laundry room in the basement but concerned about all the snow leaking into your space? Ten loads of laundry would take just over 12 hours to complete. That is a lot of time spent in a damp and dreary space. Pictured here is a laundry space brightened up with tinted DRYLOK Extreme Masonry Waterproofer. The main wall was tinted to Buttercup and the accents were tinted to Mint Green. You can change your space into something more welcoming and waterproof it before the snow melts!

Prepare the Surface
Clean the surface thoroughly with a wire brush to remove any loose or broken mortar and dirt from the surface. If you see white, powdery deposits (efflorescence) it must be removed. Treat efflorescence by washing with a solution of DRYLOK® Etch (liquid or powdered formula) or muriatic acid according to manufacturer’s directions, rinse and allow to dry. Efflorescence occurs naturally and may recurring but is easy to treat again if needed.

Patch Cracks and Holes
Fill all holes and cracks with DRYLOK® Fast Plug®. Wet down and back chisel the area, to the shape of an inverted “V” this allows the patch to lock into the surface and cure properly. Fast Plug® sets up rapidly, so only mix enough patch to be used in 3 to 5 minutes.

Seal the Floor and Wall Joint
When patching, don’t forget the area where the floor and wall meet.  Often, when concrete floors cure, they shrink and pull away from the wall, allowing a space for water to enter.  Fill this area with DRYLOK® Fast Plug® also and then apply DRYLOK® To Masonry Walls. Stir DRYLOK® thoroughly before and during application. Apply using a 3/4 in. nap roller, DRYLOK® Brush or good quality nylon bristle brush. If rolled, back-brush the first coat to fill any pinholes in the masonry.  DRYLOK® must be worked into the pores of the masonry, making sure to fill all pores and pinholes. Proper coverage is important for waterproofing, 1 gallon covers a 8 ft. x 10 ft. area. A minimum of two coats is required to assure waterproofing. Allow the DRYLOK® to dry between coats following the label instructions.

Important:  After the second coat dries, inspect entire wall surface for pinholes in the waterproof coating.  Any areas with pinholes should be painted with an additional coat to ensure waterproofing results.

All these products are available at your local hardware store and the employees at Phillips Hardware can help you with any home improvement projects.

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